Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Liam Update

Aloha everyone, I have been very busy since I turned one, and wanted to keep you posted on the things that I have been doing. Well, lets see... I have been saying some new words, such as horse, bird, turtle and eyes. I am also making animal sounds like meow and ruff. I love animals.. I have been at the beach often lately and take some rides on the waves with my dad on his stand-up board. I love to dig in the sand and destroy sandcastles, they call me the demolition crew when I come around. I am walking very well, I get around so fast that my mom can't keep up with me sometimes. Last Saturday my parents put a pool up for me in the yard, it was great splashing around in it. I also love books, my mom and dad read to me before my naps and before bedtime. I can point at objects and say the word for the ones that I know (horse, bird etc.) The other thing that I love, are rocks! I pick them up in the yard and throw them down... I guess I am a boy.

That is all for now, I will write again soon when something new happens.


Love.. Liam

1 comment:

Peter Dunne said...

Thanks for the update. I can't believe all the words you know. Words are great, aren't they? Words like "no" and "never" and "poop" are especially great words. Keep up the good work. And, Dude, I LOVE your treads!
I love you completely!!