This is my first big trip to California, I saw most of my family there. I traveled with my Mom and wished my Papa could have been with us. I had alot of fun and can't wait for the next visit in December for Christmas and this time my Papa will be with us for sure.

Me and my Grandma, she took us to her church and the grounds were beautiful. We even saw some deer, they came very close to us.... shhhhh

My favorite toy at Grandma's.

Glenn and Liam, just hangin'.

Me and my Great Aunt, Joyce.

Me and my Great Grandma Bertha, I love her walker. I really wanted to borrow it.

Me and Evan. Evan is my Auntie Jeanmarie's son.

This is Me, Mommy, Evan and Auntie Jeanmarie. After this shot was taken we went to auntie's friends house and there were lots of kids there.... wow!

Me and Great Grandma.

On the walker again, geez I love this thing.

Me and Aunt Christy were saying hi to Mariah the cat that lives at my Uncle Bill's house.

This is my Great Uncle Bill, he was so much fun to play with. I was a little rough on him, but I think he will be ok.

On the swing at the park near Uncle Bill's house.

Another swing trip at a park near my Grandma's. She was nice enough to give me a big push... weee.

Me and mom at the park, just chillin'.

This is my other Uncle Mike. I have two uncle Mike's, one that lives on Maui and this uncle lives in L.A.

Me and Grandpops, he met us for lunch in the Palisades. I love him.

The Shultz's came by for some din din at Grandma's house. Grandma made us a spectacular dinner.

On my way home.... I can't wait to see my Papa and sleep in my Crib.
Liam, it was so much fun having you and your Mom here in California. You were such a good boy, too! We are really amazed how big you've gotten, and how well you pull yourself up to walk. We can't wait to have you and your Mom & Dad here for Christmas. We're counting the days. Hope your Mom got a chance to catch up on some sleep, she deserves it!
Love you, love you,
Liam! Thanks for making the long trip to see us. What a great time we all had being with you. Can't wait to see you again when Santa arrives in So. Cal. OMG.
All my love, Grandpops
Looks like you two had an awesome trip to Cali. We will miss you three during the Christmas holidays. Have a great trip and look forward to hanging with you when you come home. Santas coming soon! The boys first Xmas. Lots love Michelle y Marley.
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